Joy Nan Rodia Your Distinctive Interior Design Instructor
You've got the talent.
It's time to embrace It.

Your home is your sanctuary; the place you unravel, rebuild, live, love and learn. Make it worthy, as you satisfy that inner sense of what you want to accomplish in life ... becoming a heavily sought after Interior Designer by OfCourse Interior Design Academy NJ.
Take a Peek
at Interiors
of the Near Future

There's lots of enJOYable creative work to come.
Joy's remarkable Interior Designer techniques can be taught to you, ON-LINE and is very affordably. Have fun heading toward the future. Taste has nothing to do with wealth. It's quality over quantity. Less expensive can cost you more in the long run.
As you take the
Course, you'll be
redesigning your
own home.

If you've been on the edge about revitalizing your career, as well as your living space, jumping off with Joy will ignite a sensational experience. Let go of everything that isn’t serving you to make room for the people, patterns and possessions that do.

Joy Nan Rodia's OfCourse Interior Design Academy consists of 10 comprehensive, in-depth modules that range from 80-120 pages per module, coupled with corresponding, creative and interactive assignments for each module. .
Each Module is designed to build upon one another as you begin to develop your creativity, critical thinking, and demonstrate your skills to give you the continued confidence as you move through this course.
You won't just be
an Interior Designer,
you'll become an in
demand Master.

Pay attention to what attracts you, sparks your senses, and makes your heart skip a beat. Passion ignited is at the heart of living well.
You can become a Interior Designer
It will be worth it
You can afford the time & small fee
This is the COURSE to take